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Seed spear destruction

Seed Researcher
NPC that is in charge of adding and removing the seed sphere of your items is located in Elveland (50, 242), also NPC mount a completed seed sphere to a socket item. Attack weapons :Fire, Ice, Lightening seed sphere only, Defense weapons => [Water, Wind and Earth seed sphere only.
소켓 시스템 NPC - Socket System Season 4 NPC

NPC that is in charge of adding and removing the seed sphere of your items is located in ⛳ Elveland (50, 242), also NPC mount a completed seed sphere to a socket item. Attack weapons :Fire, Ice, Lightening seed sphere only, Defense weapons => [Water, Wind and Earth seed sphere only...

Assembly prediction: Seed sphere destruction

Seed sphere destruction - Seed sphere destruction

Seed sphere destruction
Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)
Combining Success rate: 100%
Required zen: 1,010,000(1,000,000)
  • ❓ [ socket item ]
  • ❓ [ item]
  • Publicēts 06.12.2020